What We Do

We Support Youth in Group Homes to Reach Their Full Potential!

We provide College Scholarships and Grants to Youth in Group Homes and Encourage Salvation.

We Find & Fund

We are in search of opportunities to help as many youths as possible. We provide Youth who are in Group Homes with College Scholarships and Grants.

We Guide

Today’s youth need a helpful hand and right guidance at every stage. Here’s where We Take Care of Them Like Our Own.

We Support Education

We Encourage Youth to strive for their Education regardless of their circumstances.

Inform of Salvation

By showing  youth how to be saved according to Romans 10 vs 9, as follows:

We Encourage

We encourage young people to follow Christian values as a foundation for building strong moral and ethical principles. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of obtaining a quality Education to open doors to opportunities for success. Our commitment is to empower the next generation with the spiritual and educational tools they need to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives.

We Strengthen

At Sherry Dean Samaritan, we believe that Salvation and Education are the cornerstones of an enriched life for our youth. By nurturing their spiritual growth and providing access to quality education, we empower young individuals with the inner strength necessary to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential. Our commitment is to create a brighter future where every young person can lead a fulfilling and purposeful life.

What We Care For.

An Enriched Life for Youth in Group Homes

A Brighter Future for At-Risk Youth.

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Bringing Dreams Within Reach for All Youth.

Disadvantaged Youth often lack access to required financial help and resources needed to enrich their lives. By providing them with College Scholarships and Grants, we can give them the incentive, to accomplish their dream, regardless of their current circumstance, and live a Enriched and Successful Life, by God’s Grace.

Children who are Exploited in their early days need a helping hand, to Support them our goal is to Reward and Encourage their Positive Achievements.