About us

Who we are

We are a Team of Change-Makers who believe that every helping hand can raise a child and create a Better Future for them.

We extend Support to Vulnerable Youth in Group Homes, by providing them with Grants  and College Scholarships, as motivation for them, to pursue their Education as a pathway to a more Enriched Life.

( We instill Christian values)  by informing them, in order to , to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior according to Romans 10:9, if they Confess with their mouth and Believe in their Heart as follows:


” Let us reach out to the children. Let us do whatever we can to support their fight to rise above their pain and suffering.”

Nelson Mandela


Our Goal Is To Ensure All Youth Are Rewarded For Positive Achievements.

Our Mission
Our mission is to make sure all youth are given an Equal opportunity to succeed. regardless of their circumstances.

Sherry Dean Samaritan Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and empowering youth ages 7 to 18 in group homes. We provide College Scholarships and Grants  to help these young people pursue their dreams and reach their full potential. Through our programs, we instill in them the Values of Faith, Education, and Self-Reliance, helping them build a Brighter future for themselves. We are committed to making a Positive Impact on the lives of these Vulnerable Youth and helping them Achieve Success.

Our Vision
We want to build a World where no youth feels they are alone. And that by providing Youth with Grants and Scholarships, This will show them that as a community we Believe they can still succeed.

Our Entire Team wants to see a World where Every Youth, regardless of being in a Group home and struggling in any way, can receive help to overcome it.  By providing them with Grants and College Scholarships, we can give some  Vulnerable Youth the incentive they need to put them on the road to a Successful and Enriched Life.  We want to spread out in every region so we’ll be Reachable To All.


Numbers speak

Our Goal is for numbers that push us to give our best and  that make sure  we break our own records. We are Happy to be Growing and (Hope to Reach These Numbers ) to  Support more  Youth in Group Homes day by day.



Members Worldwide
0 K+
Children Helped
0 +
Funds Raised
$ 0 M+
Provide Grants and College Scholarships for Disadvantaged Youth
0 +